Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Illustration Friday: Karma (and old men)

Crotchety old men make me laugh. I once saw an old guy parking at the grocery store. He got out of his old pick-up truck and started walking towards the store. He then stopped, turned around and started walking back. I was totally shocked as I watched this old guy reach into his pocket, take out his keys and scratch, or more appropriately gouge, a big grove down the side of a BMW that was parked accross two spaces. From the headlight to the tail light. I couldn't believe my eyes. I waited around and told the BMW guy what happened. He freaked out. Later the cops told me that the guy was 91 years old. What!!?!? I could picture some punk teenager doing something like that but a creaky old man? I even had to go to court to testify against the guy. I guess you never know. He must have had some bad karma.


Courtney Pippin-Mathur said...

really nice expressions and lines, love the flower pot of doom. :)

knottydon said...

awwwwwwwwww, poor doggy. we have similar take on the topic but yours is funnier and colorful. your bad karma is the falling pot. mine is being bitten by the dog he kicked.

Anonymous said...

How dare you laugh, I'm married to one! That's a great picture, made me laugh a lot.

Rowantree said...

Hahaha I like dog expression

atomicvelvetsigh said...

interesting story.. must have been silly testifying in court for that. tho it brought about a cool topic at illo friday. 8D

Carolyn said...

I totally dig your blog (ck'd out the website too). Thou amuseth me, therefore you are now bookmarked! I look forward to visiting your blog regularily!!!

Kactiguy said...

Thanks everybody. I wasn't sure how I liked this piece but your comments sure help. The poor old guy has a few anatomy problems but hey, he's old.

Kay- I hope to be one some day.
Atomicvelvetsigh- I went to court but the guy pleaded no contest. I never had to take the stand but I was ready to.

carolyn- I thanketh ye. Stoppeth by anytime.

Jason Newkirk said...

big fan of your work Guy. Glad to see you have a blog now. Ill frequent...:D

Was just recently back in the Beehive state...Boy it sure has grown in 10 years.


robyn said...

Tells the whole story. Thanks for the laugh!

Aravis said...

Crotchety old men make me laugh, too, as did this illustration! *G*

paige said...

fantastic drawing, Guy! Perfectly showing the cause and effect of karma. Plus, it's cute.

Man, I cannot believe the old guy you described....but he definitely epitomized "crotchety old man"

I'm so happy you're bloggin' and participating in Illustration Friday. You've long been a favorite of mine!

think pretty said...

Awww, puppy... I hope that pot to the head hurts, Mr. Meany!

Love the lines and the watercolour. Very pretty in spite of the kicking element. ;o)

Jon McNally said...

Very clever treatment of this IF topic, Guy. I've long wanted a nice pair of plaid pants. Will you paint me a pair?

Unknown said...

I love that story. I had a run in with an old man (litterally, he hit hit the car I was riding in) and this guy screwed me and my husband (not litterally). He was also a jerk to anyone who ever met him. Karma got him in the end. When he was riding in a friend's van, a semi came along and turned the van into a convertible. The friends were fine but karma decide the old man should pay with his head. Dark.

"Maggie & Kevin" said...

Love the irony of this illustration. You meet all kinds don't you? I bet the guy with the BMW was also shocked by your honesty and testimony of support.

garth bruner said...


My grandpa is a trouble maker. Once he was in the car with us grandchildren when we stopped at a small store. He thought it would be funny to buy himself an ice cream cone for himself and no one else. As he came strutting out of the store licking his ice cream with a smirk on his face. Just before he reached the car he stumbled and the cone went flying out of his hand. When he hit the ground, the ice cream cone landed right on the back of his head.

Yes, God does have a sense of humor.

Gerald de Dios said...

Genius...just pure genius. I love your work Guy. This really made my Friday. Thank you.