Friday, July 01, 2005

Work or cowboy?

I was sitting there looking at the painting I should be working on and thought I'd rather draw a cowboy. So, here it is. Enjoy.

Here is a little work update. I'm currently working on a new picture book called "Dance by the Light of the Moon". Here is a link to one of the paintings. Preview If this works it is the top two images. The goose and the pig. It is keeping me busy and the deadline is coming up quick. I think I only have ten more paintings left to paint. The painting I'm doing now is frustrating me so I find it easy to be distracted-- that's where the cowboy came from. I'm having a hard time making the picture in my head match the one on the drawing board. I gotta just keep plugging away I guess. Who knows, maybe another cowboy will happen.


Lorien said...

I like him. I think its a good style--a little looser than your other stuff. Do some more like it. After your deadline of course :) His nose and chin seem a little familiar...

Otto said...

If I may, I empathize with your head to hand transfer problems. I'm not sure I have any advice. Your illustrations are wicked cool though. I'll have to go out and get some of the books (for the kids, of course).

Lisa said...

Your stuff is so cool.
It was great to see you and your darling kids--now we have to see Lorien!

Lorien said...

Amen, sister.

Anonymous said...

Oh he's neat!