We drove for a very long time.

And ate very good food on the way.

On the first night we stayed with our good friends Eric Rohman and Candace Fleming.
Eric even let me hold his Caldcott shaped hunk of metal. Cool.

At the conference we met up with my friend and local Chicago artist, Stacy Curtis. Very funny guy.

Met some cool people.
Loren Long
Kadir Nelson and one of my excellent editors, Stephanie Lurie. (Hyperion)
Donna Bray, another one of my wonderful editors. (Balzer & Bray)

My friend Laura Vaccaro Seeger.

Lane Smith liked my book. What a nice guy.
Will Terry signing books.
Will next to some sleeping girl at the park.
Tried to find Oprah, but she totally avoided us. So typical of her.

Stacy. Not pulling a face, this is how he always looked. Can you see why people didn't want to talk with us?
Stacy with Chicago garbage. We can't take him anywhere.
Beth Krommes and Neil Gaiman, right after receiving the 2009 Caldcott and Newbery awards.

More great food.
We wore Will out.

Overall, it was a great trip. Lots of fun.