Here is a quick Banjo Pig from my sketchbook. I took a clue from Eric Barclay and combined my pig with this weeks
Illustration Friday topic.

My daughter and her cousin wanted to do their own Banjo Pigs. They are both twelve. Not too shabby!

This whole Dueling Banjo Pig thing has kinda taken on a life of it's own. It's awesome. It may slow down for me a bit because of some work deadlines and some conferences I have to go to, but that doesn't mean you can't stop doing your own.
Check out these other illustrator's duelin' pigs!
Stacy Curtis(18 pigs)
NEW But, he cheats. 12 banjo pigs in one post? What? Too scared to fight pig vs pig? You have to bring in a whole gang? Well, you don't scare me Stacy! Okay... just a little bit.
Jack Foster (3 pigs)
Bob Nelson (2 pigs)
Greg Wallace (2 pigs)
Jeff Overturf (3 pigs)
Sam Reed (1 pig)
Mark Harmon (1 pig)
Greg Newbold (3 pigs)
NEWDoug Jones(2 pig)
Sean Ashby (1 pig)
Eric Barclay (1 pig)
Shane Lewis (1 pig. But, browse through is blog. He has tons of critters playin' banjos)
NEWPaula J Becker (2 pigs.)
NEWLet me know if I'm missing anyone and keep em coming!